We always try to process orders as quickly as possible. Delivery times range from 24 to 72 working hours after payment. On the islands we experience a slight delay due to loading times. For very large parcels, using couriers on pallets, there will also be time to prepare the pallet.
What can I do if my order does not arrive within 3 working days?
After checking the tracking, we recommend that you send us an e-mail to tecnologiaacqua@gmail.com with your order number. We will check it immediately.
Can I pay by card (also prepaid) even if I do not have a PayPal account?
Sure, just choose PayPal as payment method and then click on "I pay by card".
What is meant by "Postepay Recharge"?
A 'Postepay Recharge' means going to a post office or tobacconist's (carrying a tax code) and recharging your card, like a normal phone recharge.
I have doubts about the product to be purchased.
For any technical and commercial information, please send an e-mail to tecnologiaacqua@gmail.com or whatsapp to 3791264824. We will reply as soon as possible.
I need the invoice. Can I have it?
Of course you can, just indicate the following data: VAT number or/and tax code. In addition, from 01/01/2019 a pec address and/or the unique SDI code will also be required. Failing this, we will have to issue a receipt.
What is the difference between a drip line and a drip hose?
The drip line is rigid and has a lifespan of several years, as it is thicker. In contrast, the Dripline, being flat and not very thick, is suitable for seasonal use.
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